CS-70m is a 6-voice synthesizer featuring 2 oscillators per voice (12 VCOs), two LFOs one of which is programmable, two 12dB filters per voice (12 VCFs), and two amps per voice (12 VCAs as well). The 61-note keyboard supports aftertouch. Memory comprises 30 locations.
The polyphonic analog synthesizer provides with thick leads and basses. 6 voices with 2 oscillators each deliver a 12-oscillator sonic flow. There’s a 4-track polyphonic sequencer onboard. 30 presets can be tweaked to perfection with the knobs provided.
CS-70m is just a step away from the powerful CS-80. The product was launched in 1981.
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4.3/5 3
Yamaha CS-20mMonophonic Analog Synthesizer1 200.00U.S.Dollars
CS-20m is a monophonic synthesizer based on a dual oscillator with subtractive synthesis. There’s a third oscillator producing a sine wave featured in the VCA section which helps to modulate the sound. The instrument has a 37-note keyboard and offers an...
CS-40m is a 2-voice synthesizer (duophonic) with two VCOs producing triangle, saw, square waveforms and a noise generator. The LFO section is capable of sine, up-ramp, down-ramp, square, and sample&hold. The filter section is represented with a...