Boss's Dr Sample SP-303 emerged as an intriguing evolution of the pioneering SP-202 phrase sampler. Three years after its predecessor made waves in the budget sampling market, the SP-303 arrived with both gains and losses in its feature set, but still...
The release of the sampler BOSS SP-505 happened in 2002. It is an entry level workstation with the possibility of sampling. Its purpose is to work with one-shot samples and loops. The device has an 8-voice polyphony and 4 MB internal memory, which can...
The Korg Z1 is the world's first multi-model, multitimbral physical modelling synth, combining great strengths with some weaknesses. It features: 12-voice polyphony (expandable to 18)6-part multitimbralhigh quality semi-weighted 61-note keyboard with...
The Yamaha EX5 is a synthesizer and digital sampler released by Yamaha in 1998. It is a 61-key, 16-voice synthesizer with a built-in sequencer and effects processor. It features a wide range of synthesis options, including FM, AWM2, and sample-based...