Make Noise Co. 0-COAST Semi-modular Analog Synthesizer Module 500.00 U.S.Dollars
The 0-COAST is a single voice patchable synthesizer. It's name reflects the fact that it utilizes techniques from both the Moog and Buchla paradigms (aka “East Coast,” and “West Coast,” due to their locations…
A 3-octave 001 is an analog/digital hybrid synthesizer made by Modal Electronics, a bi-timbral, duophonic instrument with velocity sensitive Fatar keyboard. The 2-voice synthesizer provides you with discrete duophonic sound while each voice features two...
Modal Electronics 002 12 Voice Hybrid Synthesizer 4 300.00 U.S.Dollars
The analog/digital hybrid synthesizer Modulus 002 features 12 discrete voices of polyphony with 2 NCOs and 2 subs per each. You can create thick layered sounds and use keyboard split function. There are also LFOs for each voice. Considering 4 oscillators...
The Modal Electronics 002 NCO is a Eurorack-format module that provides a digital oscillator with an integrated noise generator, envelope generator, and low-frequency oscillator. It is designed to provide a wide range of sound creation and modulation options for modular synthesizers.
The Modal Electronics 002 VCF is a voltage-controlled filter module for modular synthesizers. It is a four-pole low-pass filter with resonance and self-oscillation, and is capable of producing a wide range of sounds from smooth and creamy to sharp and...
Modal Electronics 002R 12 Voice Hybrid Synthesizer Module 2 800.00 U.S.Dollars
002R is a rackmount version of the keyboard original Modulus 002. The unit allows you to enlarge the polyphony of the keyboard model. The analog/digital hybrid synthesizer Modulus 002R features 12 discrete voices of polyphony with 2 NCOs and 2 subs per...
Modal Electronics 008 8 Voice Analog Synthesizer 4 900.00 U.S.Dollars
Modulus 008 is an 8-voice analog bi-timbral synthesizer built on discrete components providing 100% voltage control. The instrument offers 2 VCOs and 2 subs per voice allowing you to morph saw, triangle, and square waveforms. You can achieve extreme...
The Modal Electronics 008 VCF is an 8-pole, multi-mode analogue resonant filter. It is capable of producing classic low-pass, high-pass, and band-pass filter shapes, as well as more complex filter shapes such as notch, all-pass, and comb filtering. It...
The Modal Electronics 008 VCO is an 8-voice, true-analog, polyphonic synthesizer voice module. It features two analog oscillators per voice, each with a range of five octaves, and a sub-oscillator. It also has an analog noise generator, an analog...
Modal Electronics 008R 8 Voice Analog Synthesizer Module 3 500.00 U.S.Dollars
008R is a rackmount version of the keyboard original Modulus 008. The unit allows you to enlarge the polyphony of the keyboard model. Modulus 008R is an 8-voice analog bi-timbral synthesizer built on discrete components providing 100% voltage control....