The Korg R3 is a synthesizer and vocoder released by Korg in 2008. It is a virtual analog synthesizer that combines the features of a synthesizer, vocoder, and effects processor into one unit. It features a 37-key semi-weighted keyboard, 8-band vocoder, and a wide range of effects. It also includes a built-in sequencer and arpeggiator, as well as a variety of real-time controllers.
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Roland SH-201Virtual Analog Synthesizer350.00U.S.Dollars
Except the name, SH-201 has nothing to do with the series of SH analog synthesizers made by Roland. This is quite simple and yet easy-to-use budget synthesizer with all the main functions of a virtual analog instrument - 10-voice polyphony, a wide choice...
Virtual analog synthesizer K-Station represents a completely new rethought instrument with the module from the predecessor A-Station. It has a very intuitive interface and a 2-octave velocity sensitive keyboard. The instrument includes 8 voices of analog...
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AKAI MiniakVirtual Analog Synthesizer400.00U.S.Dollars
The AKAI Miniak is a virtual analog synthesizer and performance keyboard. It features a 37-key velocity-sensitive keyboard, a built-in vocoder, and a wide range of sound-shaping controls. It also includes over 500 sounds, including classic analog and...