Bass synthesizer built on the basis of the cult instrument Roland TB-303 comprising modern elements and almost completely replicating its appearance. According to the developers, it also completely repeats the circuitry of the progenitor.
It is a monophonic synthesizer with one analogue oscillator (VCO), giving a choice of 2 types of wave - sawtooth and rectangular. TT-303 also has a 4-pole (24dB) filter with adjustable cut-off frequency and resonance, a pattern sequencer with the ability to save patterns and an arpeggiator.
Bass Bot has good connectivity capabilities - MIDI input and output (via splitter, comes bundled), CV/Gate outputs, input for external audio source.
The synthesizer can be powered either through an external adapter, or with the help of batteries.
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Roland TB-303Monophonic Bass Synthesizer2 800.00U.S.Dollars
Released in 1982, Roland TB-303 bass synthesizer was originally devised as an instrument for solo guitarists at rehearsal and bands which didn’t have a bass player. Besides, it was meant to accompany TR-606 drum machine. More than 30 years have passed...