The successor of Matrix series, however, has a feature that strongly distinguishes Matrix-6 from its predecessors: the synthesizer's voices use digitally controlled oscillators (DCO). To build the voices Oberhiem used a specialized chip CEM3396 which...
The analog/digital hybrid synthesizer Modulus 002 features 12 discrete voices of polyphony with 2 NCOs and 2 subs per each. You can create thick layered sounds and use keyboard split function. There are also LFOs for each voice. Considering 4 oscillators...
A 3-octave 001 is an analog/digital hybrid synthesizer made by Modal Electronics, a bi-timbral, duophonic instrument with velocity sensitive Fatar keyboard. The 2-voice synthesizer provides you with discrete duophonic sound while each voice features two...
Dave Smith’s Rev2 Desktop is simply a keyboardless Rev2 and features 16 voices of polyphony, dual DCOs, integrates a 2-/4-pole resonant low-pass Curtis filter, offers waveshape modulation, bi-timbral operation, built-in effects engine, polyphonic...
A 44-note semi-weighted keyboard with aftertouch offers a 100% analog signal path, 4 voices of polyphony, a wide range of modulation possibilities featuring 20 sources and about 50 destinations, easy and quick sound programing. There are two analog...