The Sequential Prophet 3000 was a groundbreaking 16-bit, 8-voice sampling system designed exclusively as a rackmounted unit. Released in 1987, it was remarkably innovative for its time, offering stereo sampling capabilities nearly two years ahead of...
In 2000 Korg Electribes series got a new member - a sampler called Korg ElecTribe S (ES-1). It gained its popularity not only due to the usual playback of recorded drums, but also thanks to high-quality, aggressive processing effects. The main library of...
The Korg ElecTribe S (ES-1) mk2 is a drum machine and step sequencer released by Korg in 2000. It is a powerful and intuitive instrument that allows users to create and manipulate rhythms and patterns. The ES-1 mk2 features 16 velocity-sensitive pads, a...
The Roland SP-606 is a digital sampling workstation designed for DJs and studio musicians. It combines sampling, sequencing, and effects processing capabilities in a portable and easy-to-use package. The SP-606 features a built-in sampler, a sequencer...
The Roland SP-808EX E-Mix Studio is a digital audio workstation designed for DJs and producers. It is a powerful tool for creating and mixing music, with a variety of digital effects and a built-in sequencer. It features a 16-track sampler, a 4-track audio recorder, and a variety of effects and editing tools.