The Roland D-5 is a synthesizer released by Roland Corporation in 1988. It was the first in the D-series of synthesizers and was designed to provide an affordable alternative to the more expensive and complex synthesizers of the time. It featured a wide...
The Arturia DrumBrute Impact is an analog drum machine and sequencer designed for modern electronic music production. It features 8 drum voices with individual outputs, a 64-step sequencer, and a range of effects. It also includes a built-in arpeggiator and a performance mode for live jamming.
Roland RD is a series of professional stage instruments launched in the 80's. RD-500 is one of the successful digital instruments with recorded samples of pianos, organs, harpsichords, strings, as well as synthesizers, bass and percussion instruments....
The "heavyweight" in specs, stage instrument RD-300SX appeared on the music market as one of the lightest digital pianos of the series with a solid and durable housing and convenient transportation possibilities. In addition, RD-300SX has an extended...
Roland JD-Xi is a hybrid synthesizer, developed as a crossover-concept devicet which includes an analog and digital synthesizer in one housing. The 3-octave instrument is characterized by 4-part multitimbrality. Its analog section consists of a mono DCO...