The Korg MS-50 is a monophonic analog synthesizer released by Korg in 1977. It features two voltage-controlled oscillators, two envelope generators, a low-pass filter, and a noise generator. It is capable of creating a wide range of sounds, from bass and lead lines to sound effects. It is still popular today among electronic musicians and producers.
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Korg MS-10Monophonic Analog Synthesizer550.00U.S.Dollars
The Korg MS-10 is a monophonic analog synthesizer released by Korg in 1978. It is a two-oscillator synthesizer with a single filter, two envelope generators, and a voltage-controlled amplifier. It also features an external audio input, allowing it to...
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Korg MS-20Monophonic Analog Synthesizer1 300.00U.S.Dollars
The Korg MS-20 is a semi-modular analog synthesizer released by Korg in 1978. It is one of the most popular and influential synthesizers of all time, and is still in production today. The MS-20 features two voltage-controlled oscillators, two envelope...