The Crumar Performer is a vintage analog synthesizer from the late 1970s. It was designed to emulate the sound of a Hammond organ and featured a two-oscillator monophonic synthesizer, a built-in chorus effect, and a built-in spring reverb. The Performer was one of the first synthesizers to feature a built-in sequencer, allowing users to program and store their own patterns.
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Crumar Performer-2String Synthesizer with full polyphony500.00U.S.Dollars
The Crumar Performer-2 is a vintage analog synthesizer released in 1979. It features two oscillators, two filters, two envelope generators, and two LFOs. It also has a built-in chorus effect and a unique arpeggiator. The Performer-2 is known for its warm, vintage sound and is still popular today.
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Roland RS-09Strings/ Organ Synthesizer450.00U.S.Dollars
The Roland RS-09 is a vintage analog string synthesizer released by Roland in 1979. It is a monophonic instrument that utilizes subtractive synthesis to create its sounds. It features two oscillators, a low-pass filter, an envelope generator, and a...
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Korg DeltaAnalog Synthesizer with full polyphony600.00U.S.Dollars
The Korg Delta is a vintage analog synthesizer released in 1979. It was designed to be a low-cost, entry-level synthesizer and featured two oscillators, a low-pass filter, and a built-in chorus effect. It was popular among amateur musicians and was used on a number of classic recordings.