LEM-208 is the basic unit for building Easels. Providing this arrangement, the manufacturer offers the musician to choose what he needs. For example:
You can install the iProgram card and use the tablet instead of the keyboard, and considering the remaining space, install any four modules from 200e series you like.
If you install the module 223e with its keyboard you’ll get a full-fledged Easel-K.
Installing LEM-218 keyboard will give you Music Easel.
The core of the module 208 is based on the main oscillator and modulatable one.
The main oscillator generates saw, square, triangle waveforms, as well as intermediate complex shapes.
For the modulatable oscillator only sawtooth, triangular and square waveforms are available. There are two modes of operation for this oscillator:
HI - allows the oscillator to be used in VCO mode (voltage controlled oscillator).
LOW - LFO (low frequency oscillator) mode.
The switch selects the mode of interaction between the modulatable oscillator and the main one: ring modulation, amplitude or frequency modulation.
The generated signal enters the "dual lopass gate" block of the Buchla 292h module. It operates in VCF (low-pass voltage controlled) mode, VCA (voltage controlled amplifier) or can combine both modes.
A spring reverb effect is provided with an adjustable depth.