225e is designed to convert MIDI commands into Buchla control signals (pulse voltage and CV).
The outputs of the converter are combined into control buses. The first four buses (A-D) are internal and serve to control the modules 281e, 292e, 259e and 261e. The control signals (pitch CV, velocity CV, note-on) of the next four buses (E-H) are displayed on the panel.
Another six buses (J-P) with assignable a and b parameters. For convenient management the two-line display is installed. The second function block of 225e module is the preset manager. The identical one is installed in 206e module, it allows saving up to 30 settings.
The mixer has six mono inputs and one stereo output. Each input has a level and panning adjustment. Moreover, at four inputs the panning can be adjusted manually, and the two remaining ones are CV inputs. Also, the module is equipped with an output for...