Czech Company Bastl Instruments introduced two new modules: 1983 – MIDI to CV interface “From The Future” and Timber – Eurorack format waveshaper. 1983 is a polyphonic MIDI-CV interface with features of creative voices distribution and auto tuning. It has four channels with CV and Gate outputs, which can be used for variable purposes, and a Listen input for the auto tuning feature, which is performed by pressing only one button. The Window and Update inputs along with Transpose and Glide open a lot of creative opportunities for controlling the output signal and the distribution of voices. The 1983 module should be launched in September this year.
Timber is a pretty flexible Eurorack waveshaper, which helps you to achieve some interesting fat timbres by adding harmonics to your original signal. It consists of two circuits for changing the signal (I Wave Driver, II Wave Folder) with common Shape and Symmetry parameters. There is also a crossfader, which lets you to control the ratio either between two circuits, or between one of them and the dry signal. This module will cost you 170 euros.
Hexinverter Electronique - a small Canadian company announced their new Eurorack format oscillator/audio sugnal generator (?) – Mindphaser. Besides the basic oscillator functions, you can find a lot of interesting modulation features. It has quite an unusual waveshaper section, an analog TZPM bus, linear and exponential FM inputs, and modulation section, from where you can send your signal to any other parameter. While it is unknown when the Mindphaser will be launched, the price for it is already named: $599.
Erica Synth brought as many as three new modules to the exhibition, which are perfectly suitable for a live performance. The first of the them is Sample Drum. It lets you to work with two samples or loops, loaded from microSD, using six different parameters and lots of CV inputs. There is also a small display, added to it for convenience.
Bassline, the second of three demonstrated modules is a fully analog synthesizer module, in which there are an oscillator with three waveforms, a filter, a transistor subwave oscillator and two BBD for detune imitation.
The third module is Dual FX. It is an effects processor with 8 mono/stereo effects, each of which has two parameters. The setting of each effect can be saved for a convenient live performance. All three modules will be launched in the middle of June.

U-he company presented their first Eurorack module CVilization. It is a routing matrix, which can process both audio and CV signals. The programmable backlight color makes its interface extremely user-friendly and convenient. The exact launching date has not been set yet, but we know that it will happen in the next couple of months and the price for this module will be less than $300.