The Yamaha DX21 is a synthesizer released by Yamaha in 1983. It is a four-voice polyphonic synthesizer with two digital oscillators and two analog oscillators per voice. It features a variety of sound-shaping controls, including an envelope generator, a...
The Yamaha TX81Z is a classic FM synthesizer released by Yamaha in 1987. It is a 4-operator FM synthesizer with 8-note polyphony and 32 algorithms. It was one of the first synthesizers to feature a built-in digital effects processor and was used on many classic tracks from the 1980s and 1990s.
The Yamaha TG33 is a vintage digital synthesizer released in 1993. It was the first in the Yamaha Tone Generator series and featured a wide range of sounds and effects. It was popular among musicians for its unique sound and its ability to create complex...
The Yamaha AW1600 is a professional audio workstation designed for recording, editing, and mixing music. It features a 16-track digital recorder, a built-in CD burner, a built-in effects processor, and a built-in mixer. It also has a large LCD display,...
The Yamaha TG55 is a synthesizer module released by Yamaha in 1991. It is a digital FM synthesizer with 8-note polyphony and 32-voice multitimbrality. It features a variety of sounds, including acoustic, bass, and lead instruments, as well as a range of...