The Waldorf Streichfett is a string synthesizer and effects processor. It is a hybrid instrument that combines the sound of classic string machines with modern digital effects. It features two analog oscillators, a polyphonic filter, and a range of...
Wave is probably the most refined creation of Waldorf in the history of this German company, which appeared in 1993, in the era of the vector synthesis and workstations. It’s a hybrid synthesizer which has a digital waveform generator based on...
The Waldorf microQ Omega is a professional-grade synthesizer and sound module designed for use in the studio or on stage. It features a powerful 32-voice polyphony, 16-part multitimbrality, and a wide range of synthesis capabilities. It is equipped with...
The Waldorf Rack Attack is a rack-mountable analog synthesizer module that was released in 1998. It features two oscillators, two filters, two envelopes, two LFOs, and a built-in sequencer. The Rack Attack also has a number of effects, including distortion, chorus, and delay.
The Waldorf microQ is a compact, powerful, and versatile virtual analog synthesizer. It features eight voices of polyphony, a 24-voice multitimbral mode, and a wide range of sound-shaping tools including analog-style oscillators, filters, envelopes, and...