The module serves to convert MIDI events to CV control signals.
In MIDI3 3 modes are available:
Monophonic mode - MIDI notes are translated into CV and gate signals and get output to channels 1 and 2 simultaneously. Three priority modes for notes are available: high, low and the last note priority.
Duophonic - incoming MIDI signal is distributed between two channels: the first note is the first channel, the second one is the second channel, etc.
Arpeggiator mode - obeys one of three synchronization modes with different mono and duophonic dependency.
MIDI3 Sync Modes:
The internal timer - tap tempo determines the frequency of the timer.
MIDI timer - the module is subjected to the start/stop and midi clock commands. Tap button sets the internal tempo divider.
External timer - the timer signal is fed to the clock connector. Tap button selects the clock divider.