Buchla 292e is a multifunctional module that can be used as a voltage controlled amplifier (VCA), a controlled filter (VCF) or a mixer. Switching the operating mode of each of the four channels is managed with a button. Available modes: Low-pass is a...
Three convenient mini modules enclosed in one housing. In the upper part is a passive signal propagator. It is represented with four parallel connectors, which allow you to send one signal assigning it into three routings. In the middle and bottom part...
Buchla developers always try to meet all possible user requests. 207e module combined the mixer and an unprecedented for modular synthesizers microphone preamplifier. The mixer is the same as in the 206e model. It has six mono channels with volume and...
292h is a two-channel equivalent of Buchla 292e, which has almost the same functionality. The difference from the older model lies in the smaller number of channels and the absence of the morph mode. Each channel can work in VCF, VCA mode or combine...
The Analogue Solutions Vostok Delux is a modular synthesizer system. It consists of a main synthesizer module and several other modules, such as oscillators, filters, envelope generators, and more. It offers a wide range of sounds and can be used for...