The Sequential Prophet 3000 was a groundbreaking 16-bit, 8-voice sampling system designed exclusively as a rackmounted unit. Released in 1987, it was remarkably innovative for its time, offering stereo sampling capabilities nearly two years ahead of...
VP-9000 is a powerful rackmount audio processor employing proprietary VariPhrase technology which allows an elastic audio processing, realtime sync of samples with different keys and tempo, while formant processing eliminates tedious multi-sampling. It...
Fantom-XR is a 1U rack module featuring more then 1GB of patches and allowing 128MB internal wave ROM. There are many new sounds presented including an 88-key split piano (a multi-stage velocity-switched stereo sampled piano). Up to 6 SRX expansion...
Juno-60 followed Juno-6 featuring a 61-note keyboard that same year (1982). The monotimbral instrument offers a 6-voice polyphony and one digitally controlled oscillator per voice. The oscillator generates pulse, saw and square. The main spec which...