SV-1 is the basic component of the modular synthesizer system used in Lifeforms System 101, 201 and 301. It combines the functionality of more than ten modules put together in one package. By connecting different modules using patch cords, you can get a...
The Phase Shifter module is an analogue 16-step phaser. In addition to the output at the sixteenth stage, there’s another mix (dry/wet) is provided after the eight one. In addition, there are outputs after the seventh and fifteenth steps which allow no...
The two low-frequency oscillators are combined simultaneously within one housing, each having its own peculiarities. There’s LFO1 at the top of the module. The generation frequency is set by the large "frequency" knob and is indicated by a flashing red...
Envelope is an analog function generator which can be used in a variety of ways: attack-decay (AD) envelope, attack-sustain-release (ASR), attack-release (AR), LFO, output voltage limiter, wave shaper. The attack time is set by the regulator or an...
Chain reactor is represented with four independent LFOs enclosed in one case. The first two oscillators are VILFO (pittsburgh modular vilfo), unique modulatable LFOs. For each of them an inf CV and ws CV is provided. Frequency, external source depth and...