The Modal Electronics 008 VCO is an 8-voice, true-analog, polyphonic synthesizer voice module. It features two analog oscillators per voice, each with a range of five octaves, and a sub-oscillator. It also has an analog noise generator, an analog...
The Modal Electronics 002 NCO is a Eurorack-format module that provides a digital oscillator with an integrated noise generator, envelope generator, and low-frequency oscillator. It is designed to provide a wide range of sound creation and modulation options for modular synthesizers.
The two low-frequency oscillators are combined simultaneously within one housing, each having its own peculiarities. There’s LFO1 at the top of the module. The generation frequency is set by the large "frequency" knob and is indicated by a flashing red...
The Dreadbox LFO is a low-frequency oscillator (LFO) module designed for use in Eurorack modular synthesizers. It is a voltage-controlled oscillator that produces a range of waveforms, including sine, triangle, saw, and square. The LFO can be used to...
Envelope is an analog function generator which can be used in a variety of ways: attack-decay (AD) envelope, attack-sustain-release (ASR), attack-release (AR), LFO, output voltage limiter, wave shaper. The attack time is set by the regulator or an...