The company Polyend, willing to give musicians an even greater choice, was created in 2015 after months of hard toil, prototyping, solving problems at each stage of production and thousands cups of coffee. The developers were rewarded for their hard work - their first product hit the Musikmesse 2016.
Perc Pro is a real drum machine that not only gives music producers the opportunity to create any rhythm that they may come up with, but also serve as a true helper to the drummers who are interested in the new experience and ways to enrich their performance. Perc Pro was available for pre-order in May 2016. And then the things started to happen the creators could only dream about.
The tool got into the hands of such personalities as Dan Deacon, Aphex Twin and Daedelus. Apart from the fact that each of them was delighted with the product, Perc Pro participated in the presentation of Daedelus "The Labyrinths" album. Polyend continues to work on new designs, including improving and applying refreshing strokes onto Perc Pro – great releases won’t keep us waiting.
Polyend is proud of not striving to follow the standards or to work carrying templates in mind - they are open to their ideas. For example, in October 2016 the Polyend team flew to Reykjavik to meet one of their idols - Sigur Rós band. A week later Perc Pro was introduced at the Mercury Prize Gala 2016 in London as one of the instruments that Jamie Woon used during his performance. The first batch of Perc Pro units was sold out in a couple of months, and the instrument began to appear as a part of equipment at many gigs. It's been a year since the company has announced its opening. Polyend’s clients surprise the company with the number of tricks which can be performed with the help of the brand’s precious tool.
PERC PRO Drumming Machine is assembled within an aluminum housing with attention to every detail and with the use of top-level components. The device allows you to play drums using external software or hardware - the unit is convincing in its quick and accurate operation. Connecting Perc Pro to any device via USB or MIDI DIN will not cause problems. Perc Pro mechanically produces percussion instruments - turn any punch, knock or beat into a full-value drum machine, whether it's a conga, xylophone, hotel bell or pan.
In addition to its flagship instrument, Polyend is engaged in the production of Seq MIDI Step Sequencer and Poly MIDI-CV converter.
It’s easy to set Seq MIDI sequencer up and it's even easier to create rhythms, chords and melodies with it. Most of the functions are accessible directly via the control panel, and the Autosave function will not let your settings get deranged. No delays or interruptions - the instrument responds instantly to any action made by the musician. The basic specification includes: 8 tracks - 32 steps each, memory for 256 patterns, sequences live recording using an external device via MIDI, step parameters offer Note, Velocity, Length, Modulation and Roll editing, independent track playback mode (Normal, Reversed, Pingpong , Random), pattern chaining, track parameters adjustment (Length, Velocity, Scale, MIDI Channel, MIDI Out), as well as a nice autosave feature for all parameter changes.
The Poly interface provides you with all types of MIDI inputs. The design allows you to connect a computer, smartphone or tablet via USB, compatible MIDI controllers via USB Host and other devices via the classic MIDI DIN port. You can control synth and drum voices with 8 rows of Gate, Pitch, Velocity and Modulation. Poly is created to be compatible with MPE (Multidimensional Polyphonic Expression) standard. There are also 3 modes to choose from: First, Next and Channel. The First and Next modes are suitable for building your own unique polyphonic synthesizer. Channel mode allows you to select between MID channels 1-8 or 9-16 using the DIP switch.