It all started in 1985 with the Akai S612, which was the first in a series of relatively affordable samplers designed in a 19-inch studio-rack format. It could hold only a single sample at a time, which was loaded into memory via a separate disk drive utilizing 2.8-inch Quick Disks. It featured an analog filter - a farewell goodbye to the analog era, a characteristic which would rocket launch its price 30 years later. Being half-computer itself, the S612 paved the way for dozens of successors that invaded the market so quickly that the rackmount sampler concept became inextricably linked to Akai to this day, even though Akai does not exist anymore as that '80s company and has not created any new rackmount sampler since the Z-series of 2002. Why, would you ask? Well, "because of computers" would be a generic answer. But let's better dive into the history and see how Akai progressed and which models were produced.