The Black Corporation Kijimi is a fictional company featured in the Star Wars universe. It is a powerful and influential corporation that is involved in many aspects of the galaxy, including the development of weapons, technology, and other advanced...
Leipzig-SK is a synthesizer with no memory integrated. There’s no parameter quantization – a tweak of a knob adjusts the actual analog circuit behavior directly. There is no proper CPU control over parameters which allows for achieving peculiar analog...
The Roland MC-09 is a groovebox synthesizer and sampler released in 2006. It is a combination of a sequencer, sampler, and synthesizer, allowing users to create and manipulate sounds. It features a variety of sound-shaping tools, including a 16-track...
The Dreadbox Murmux is a hybrid analog/digital monophonic synthesizer from Dreadbox. It features two analog oscillators and two digital oscillators, as well as a 16-step sequencer, a filter, and an LFO. The Murmux also includes a built-in effects section, allowing for a wide range of sounds and textures.