Moog which has little to do with Moog. It’s no surprise, because this synthesizer was developed by Bill Waytena who was impressed by Robert Moog works. The talented engineer Bill Waytena was engaged in the development of automobile anti radars. He’s the...
Lead A1R is an analog modeling synthesizer offering 4-part multitimbrality, 24 voices of polyphony, 2 oscillators per voice, a low-frequency oscillator with 5 waveforms. The device integrates a 2-/4-pole filter and 4 independent arpeggiators. The tool is...
Multimoog is an expanded version of Micromoog. There are not so many differences from its younger brother but they are very significant. The older model received an additional voltage controlled oscillator which allowed receiving character detuned basses...
After more than forty years, Buchla engineers returned their legendary synthesizer onto the market. The modern model does not differ much from the vintage one. In fact it is the same Music Easel but expanded with modern functionality. The basis of the...
The Moog Subsequent 37 is a modern analog synthesizer from Moog Music. It is a 37-key, two-note paraphonic analog synthesizer with a built-in arpeggiator, sequencer, and effects. It features two oscillators, two filters, two envelopes, and two LFOs, as...