The synthesizer module, designed by Donald Buchla (Tom Oberheim did not participate in the development) to recreate the sound of two legendary families of synthesizers - Moog and Oberheim. The name is the abbreviation of Oberheim-Moog. Ob-Mx is based on...
Moog Music was among of the brands which mastered the new synthesizer format intrinsic to the rock era. Keytar allowed the keyboardists to move around the stage as easily as guitar players did. To reduce the weight on the shoulders of the "keytarists",...
Pro/DGX is the third generation of Soloist synthesizers. Almost the same as Pro-Soloist, although it got a brighter face and the preset switches were replaced with buttons. The main difference from previous versions is in the filter section. The first...
Soloist, as the name implies, was intended for the performance of solo parts and should be placed on top of the main instrument. This concept conditioned the appearance of the instrument: the keys for switching presets are below the keyboard, and when...
Explorer I is a small preset monophonic analog synthesizer, a very "close relative" to PRO-Soloist, but has a very important difference - manual mode. The unit contains factory presets: flute, trumpet, clarinet, strings, pulsar and lunar. In the manual...