The Sequential Prophet XL is a polyphonic analog synthesizer created by Dave Smith Instruments. It is the first in a series of synthesizers that combine the classic sound of the Prophet-5 with modern features and technology. The Prophet XL features a...
The Roland SH-7 is an analog synthesizer released by Roland in 1977. It is a monophonic synthesizer with a single oscillator, two envelope generators, and a low-pass filter. It is capable of producing a wide range of sounds, from bass and lead tones to...
Since the release of Memorymoog, the cult American company did not take on polyphonic synthesizers, but the legacy assumed and the fans waited. And in the end, they received 8 or 16 voices for 6000 dollars, performed in the best traditions of the brand -...
Synthesizer, Sound Module/ Tone Generator, Analogue (A), Voices: 49, Oscillators per voice: 3, Number of Keys: 49, Size: 4, Production start: 2024, Production end: 1981, Production ended: Yes.