The Waldorf Microwave II is a digital synthesizer and sampler released by Waldorf Music in 1998. It is a rack-mounted device that combines the features of a synthesizer, sampler, and effects processor. It has two oscillators, two filters, two envelopes,...
The Waldorf Microwave is a digital synthesizer and sampler created by the German company Waldorf Music. It was released in 1997 and was one of the first digital synthesizers to feature an integrated sampler. The Microwave was capable of creating a wide...
The Roland RS-505 is a vintage analog synthesizer released by Roland in 1982. It is a two-voice polyphonic synthesizer with a 32-note keyboard. It features two oscillators, two envelopes, and two low-frequency oscillators. It also has a built-in chorus...
The Roland RS-09 is a vintage analog string synthesizer released by Roland in 1979. It is a monophonic instrument that utilizes subtractive synthesis to create its sounds. It features two oscillators, a low-pass filter, an envelope generator, and a...
The Korg Delta is a vintage analog synthesizer released in 1979. It was designed to be a low-cost, entry-level synthesizer and featured two oscillators, a low-pass filter, and a built-in chorus effect. It was popular among amateur musicians and was used on a number of classic recordings.