The Black Corporation Kijimi is a fictional company featured in the Star Wars universe. It is a powerful and influential corporation that is involved in many aspects of the galaxy, including the development of weapons, technology, and other advanced...
The Behringer Neutron is an analog semi-modular synthesizer designed for the modern musician. It features two voltage-controlled oscillators, a voltage-controlled filter, an envelope generator, a low-frequency oscillator, and a variety of patch points....
100% analog monophonic synthesizer with unimaginable modulation matrix. 3 classic oscillators taken from the Microbrute/Minibrute family (+ 1 sub), 12dB/24dB filters, three envelope generators, 49 full-size buttons with aftertouch, packed in high-quality...
4 Voice Analog SynthesizerAll Analog Discrete Components4 playing modes : – Unison – Polyphony – Chords (+ user chords) – Multi channel (multitimbral over selected controls)1 VCO + 1 Sub Oscillator per VoiceWhite Noise GeneratorIndependent Wave shaping...