The first instrument by MFB, which also looks as good as it sounds, before that the company used modest housings of cheap materials for its instruments. Dominion X is assembled within a metal housing with wooden sides and has, perhaps, everything...
An important feature of the module created by the German engineer Jörg Schaaf is the possibility of layering of the settings of all oscillator parameters, and the process of combining can be controlled both through the control elements of the module,...
Voltage Influenced LFO is a unique module in the world of modular systems. This is a very unusual low frequency oscillator. The module has two outputs: "TRI" is a triangular wave (basic for the module)."VAR" is a variable wave that goes from the triangle...
261e module generates sound by interaction of the two generators (principal and modulation). Principal oscillator generates a sine wave within the range from 27.5 to 7040 Hz. The base wave can be transformed into a more complex one with the help of a...
It is a kind of monophonic version of Prophet 5 (referring to the third revision, with indiscrete VCOs). It has a standard "prophetic" structure: an analog controlled by a microprocessor. Unlike Prophet 5, Intel 8021 was chosen as a microprocessor in Pro...