Electro 3 series, unlike its predecessor (Electro 2), was released with an updated Farfisa and Vox organ emulation, as well as improved B3 emulation with an increased number of applied effects. The synthesizer included samples of the Mellotron library....
Electro 3 series, unlike its predecessor (Electro 2), was released with an updated Farfisa and Vox organ emulation, as well as improved B3 emulation with an increased number of applied effects. The synthesizer included samples of the Mellotron library....
Nord Electro 4 series combines all the functions of the well-known predecessor (Electro 3 synthesizer) and Nord C2D organ module, including also the B3 Hammond instrument sound emulation, 122 Rotary Speaker, the improved Key Click. To edit presets, the...
Nord Electro 4 series combines all the functions of the well-known predecessor (Electro 3 synthesizer) and Nord C2D organ module, including also the B3 Hammond instrument sound emulation, 122 Rotary Speaker, the improved Key Click. To edit presets, the...
Nord Electro 4 series combines all the functions of the well-known predecessor (Electro 3 synthesizer) and the Nord C2D organ module, including also the B3 Hammond sound emulation update. The main focus of this series is on the use on stage during live...