The central part for building up an 18 panel system 200e. There is a power distributor onboard, the power unit itself is external. The switched mode power supply 12V comes with a set of adapters for working with any standard of networks (USA, Europe, Japan).
Lower or upper part for building up an 18 panel system 200e. It does not have its own power supply, therefore it is necessary to connect it to the "active housing" (201e-6 Powered Boat) to make the modules operate.
Buchla 202h is a true "wand" for the owners of modular systems in the Eurorack format - a set of utilities as the manufacturer entitled it. The module consists of three blocks: ADAPT - a set of adapters (3.5 TRS in 6.35 TRS, TINI-cable, etc.). CV PROC -...
The mixer has six mono inputs and one stereo output. Each input has a level and panning adjustment. Moreover, at four inputs the panning can be adjusted manually, and the two remaining ones are CV inputs. Also, the module is equipped with an output for...
Buchla developers always try to meet all possible user requests. 207e module combined the mixer and an unprecedented for modular synthesizers microphone preamplifier. The mixer is the same as in the 206e model. It has six mono channels with volume and...